It's hilarious how the world works.
1)You miss this someone when she's not around, but she's feeling the same exact way for someone else.
2) You wake up thinking of this someone and what is she up to, and
someone else out there wakes up with this someone thinking of her
in that same way too.
3) You want to do whatever you can to make her happy,but someone
else can just smile, and that would drown her in glee.
Someone once said there is that one person out there meant just for each and every one.
If you meet this person at the wrong time or wrong place, does it mean it is over and done?
1)You work so hard to get what you want, but someone else can be born into a world of endless cash and fun.
2) You study so hard to get the paper for future, but someone else can have their future all laid out in front to last forever.
3) You experience more downs than ups, but someone else does not even understand what down means, for their downs are about not having most than enough.
Someone once said there is no reason to compare, for there will always be someone above another.
To understand the meaning does not mean i am any less further.
It's hilarious how the world actually works.